Westbrooke Associates Investor Update

Completion of £10M fund raise

Dear Investor,

We are delighted to announce that Westbrooke Associates along with other funding partners have now successfully completed the £10 Million raise for Iagri-Tech Group (IAG) and funding is now closed.

We would like to thank all our investors for their support which will ultimately help IAG achieve their objectives working alongside farmers and help safeguard the environment as well as help communities to have the tools available to be able to feed generations in the future.

You can view IAG’s recent launch event here

IAG are now working with their accountants, Price Waterhouse Cooper (PWC) in obtaining clients’ EIS certificates.

If you have any questions regarding this update, please contact your investor relations manager directly or email us on info@westbrookeassociates.com

If you wish to register an interest in the next project which is planned for the turn of the year, you can do so here

If you would like to view all our diverse investment products visit our website at westbrookeassociates.com
The barn IAG - investor update